“What is needed is an international policy of restraint and a programme of rational land management” – This statement is 56 years-old!

No less than 50 years ago, 56 to be exact, Jean Dorst wrote a book called Before Nature Dies. It was the first cry of alarm about nature conservation being a global issue, not just a local one.

Sounds strangely familiar today. Yet we did not take action. It’s an entire lifetime of not taking action. And now we are waking up, we must make sure this time we get it right. Not only that we do something, which 50 years ago we did not.

Doing “something” is not enough anymore. We must go the full Monty. We are starting to do it, but we are incredibly slow at taking action. There’s always another priority, typically business that make it difficult to proceed.

We must take action, collectively but also individually. We as individuals can multiply our impact exponentially. I do my part working with Powerful Ocean Lovers to help them achieve exponential impact.

Do you want to multiply your impact on Ocean Sustainability and Decarbonisation? Get in touch and let’s have a chat!

#ocean #sustainability #decarbonisation #10xImpact