Today’s the day!

At 12 noon 🕛 I’ll slip the lines and set sails from the Medway River towards Ramsgate for the first leg of the trip around SE England. However with this little wind there’s no way that I can make it in one day.

As great solo sailor Pierre-André Huglo said, I’ll sail while there is wind and the tide is favourable, then I’ll drop the anchor and wait for the next tide 6 hrs later.

When you approach things without hurry, everything changes. You can live in the moment rather than being obsessed with a schedule. no point in switching on the engine. Much better to wait and do some chores on board. There is always something to do. A partial list so far…

  • repaint the lockers and internal panels
  • install new internal lights
  • unfold the sails to check them one by one
  • create a seating frame in the cockpit
  • make some order inside 😇


