This morning I went for a run and I got to a point where I should decide whether I wanted to turn left or right. How often do we have to take decisions that bring us to a lot of internal debating as of which one is the best to pick, but they are mostly inconsequential.

That is a lot of mental energy that we waste in thinking, about the merits of each option and about the future should we pick either of these.

But deep inside we all know exactly which is the right choice, we just need it to surface and happen. We need to stay in the moment and avoid being hijacked by inconsequential thoughts.

How often will I have to take a quick decision during my solo sailing? Most of them mildly consequential, some of them very consequential. But in all cases, my inner self will know exactly what to do. Sometimes this WILL require an analysis, but most often than not we know from our guts what we should do. We just need this feeling to surface and take action. And the best course of action “right now” could well be analysis!)

Easier said than done. Or not? What do you think that happened this morning at the bifurcation? I deliberately allowed my thoughts to ponder both options, knowing well that they were both inconsequential. And I allowed this thought to continue till I got to the bifurcation and… my body took the right path without intervention from my thought processes. I just knew that turning right was the right choice and I allowed it to just happen.

Think of all the times you are facing a minor decision, for a yes or a no, for left or right, to speak up or not. Observe your thoughts and feelings from outside, without getting caught in them. And do what your self decides to do.

Remember, your self lives before your thoughts, it is the being where consciousness happens. Thoughts come later.