Our constant stream of thoughts is a giant noise that hides the inner voice of the creator. We need to find ways to quieten down this noise so we can listen to the inner voice and let it speak.

Of all the thought that populate our mind, the most disruptive are those driven by fear, anxiety and stress, whereas rational thoughts are in some way better behaved because by definition we decide to have them, as opposed to the others which just occur to us.

The fist step to make room for our inner creator voice to express itself, is to quieten the disruptive thoughts.

We know that the negative, disruptive thoughts come from a more “ancient” region of our brain, whereas rational thoughts come from a more “modern” part of our brain, the prefrontal cortex. Well, there are ways to activate one region instead of the other and of course we will try to take those actions that activate the rational mind, which then can decide to just shut up more easily than the disruptive, anxious one.

In the video I share 6 techniques based on scientific research to do just this. Let’s do it together!