Startup Wharf

Startup-driven innovation for Ocean, Maritime, Shipping

How to Multiply Your Impact?

We have an immense potential to create and have an impact. Most often we stop ourselves in the track because of fears or limiting beliefs. What is that you can do to multiply your impact on sustainability beyond the things that you can do as an individual?

Alternatives to Fuel Propulsion for Shipping – Hydrogen and Ammonia

Hydrogen and ammonia seem to be the most promising alternatives to fossil fuels for propulsion on the long run.

Multiply your Impact on Sustainability

I've been doing a few webinars recently on how we can multiply our impact on Ocean Sustainability. It seems that it's such a complex issue that is mostly in the hands of industry and regulators, and that our individual action is of very little impact.

Fuel Alternatives for Propulsion - LNG

by converting our fleet to LNG we would reduce the pressure on the industry to find zero-carbon solutions

This is Going to Be Controversial! – More Alternatives to Clean Energy Production

In the '80s many countries explicitly decided to drop nuclear and the result was an increased reliance on fossil fuels. And now the number of people dying of fossil fuel-induced pollution is 8 million every year.

What Alternatives to Fuel for Propulsion in Shipping?

What alternatives to fuel propulsion exist? Which type of energy is available for free on the Ocean? Solar? Sure. Any other idea? Exactly it's